5 Quotes & Sayings By Jeff Bauman

Jeff Bauman was a 22-year-old Boston College student, enjoying a night out at the 2013 Boston Marathon when he heard the first explosion. He turned and saw the second blast, and then instinctively ran for his life. But as he ran, a man wearing a hat and a jacket fell in front of him. He realized it was a victim of the explosions, and helped him to his feet Read more

Then he watched as another runner rushed over to help the man who'd fallen, and cried out for medical help to no avail. That's when Jeff Bauman knew his time had come. The next few minutes were surreal as he tried to help as many people as he could as he helped those who couldn't move themselves from the scene of the bombings to safety.

He saw victims with their limbs blown off or missing. "It was hard to see people so badly burned," Bauman said in an interview with ABC News. "It was just a lot of blood." But despite all he'd seen, was helped by others, or witnessed firsthand, Jeff Bauman has something many other victims do not – a hero's story – an inspiring tale of survival that will leave you awed and inspired by his courage, spirit, and determination.

It’s a picture of hope because the kid without his...
It’s a picture of hope because the kid without his legs? The one burned and cut and deathly pale? He lived. And he’s going to be fine. Jeff Bauman
But I know something else, too: bad people are rare. Good people are everywhere. Jeff Bauman
You get only two or three important choices in life. What job you do, whom you marry. Those are big decisions. If you’re right about those two decisions, you’ll probably be happy. Jeff Bauman
Because admitting your limitations, and accepting help, makes you stronger, too. Jeff Bauman